The vast majority of the hundreds of people who turned out at Suffolk City Hall Wednesday all had at least two things in common — they were wearing Guns Save Lives stickers, and they wanted City Council to approve a Second Amendment Sanctuary City resolution.

They didn’t get that, or a commitment to take up one.

All of the roughly 30 people who spoke about a sanctuary city resolution supported it, and each person received applause — sometimes rousing applause — after finishing their comments. But no one on council explicitly said they would support such a resolution, even as a majority talked about their background with guns, with the military, or both.

Councilman Mike Duman said he had received numerous phone calls, and that all members had received many emails supporting a sanctuary city resolution.

Duman, like other speakers, noted that the proposed SB 16 would expand the definition of what an assault weapon is and would make many, including himself, guilty of a felony. In general, the bill makes any semi-automatic firearm that takes a magazine with more than 10 rounds an assault weapon.

“I applaud Suffolk 2A Advocacy group, the Virginia Citizens Defense League and others for communicating their concerns to their representatives,” Duman said. “And that is primarily in Richmond. … This needs to be an action, rather than a reaction, and I think you are sending a clear message.”

Article provided by the Suffolk News-Herald, written by Jimmy LaRoue. Article published December 5, 2019

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