Gun rights supporters were vocal in Suffolk City Council’s final meeting of 2019 that the Constitutional City resolution it passed was neither good enough nor strong enough.

On Wednesday, council presented an amended resolution that more strongly affirms the city’s commitment to the Second Amendment and passed it by a 7-0 vote, with Mayor Linda T. Johnson absent. Suffolk is now one of 131 localities across Virginia whose governments supported a resolution affirming their support for the Second Amendment.

People in the council chambers applauded, with some shouting “Yeah,” following the vote. Speakers during the public comment expressed support for the council’s amended resolution.

…Councilman Mike Duman thanked Mayor Johnson for “taking the initiative to add this amendment for consideration to the agenda.” He said residents’ concerns have been real, and he said they have been “manifested by actions that set a stage for further government overreach.”

“I want to commend the tenacity of those individuals, many of whom are here this evening, who have expressed their concerns and pleaded your case. We’ve heard the angst in your voice and the passion in your hearts. Your persistence has prevailed.”

Article provided by the Suffolk News-Herald, written by Jimmy LaRoue. Article published January 15, 2020.

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